Saturday, November 11, 2006

The fight continues... but maybe not for long.

Well, I've been officially told that my class TOK Blog is great, and seems very helpful and educational for the kids involved. The district says that I've presented a good case for having Blogger unblocked for the district. They say that they haven't said "NO" yet, but for now... "NO".

Aware of the fact that I have potential partner schools in Israel, New Jersey, Philly, and Colorado, they are suggesting that I move the conversations into "Blackboard", a closed community software program that the district has paid for (surprise, surprise) and if another school, no matter where they are, wants to join, we can add them through our district and the hundreds of kids can just log onto Blackboard through our district's web site. Seems convenient for all. I'm sure the difficulty of getting kids to access a blog, give their free time, post great questions, thoughtfully respond, and remain engaged will in no way be hampered by the hoops that we would then ask them to jump through, rather than it being a web-based, easily-accessible blog that all can join and participate easily in.

I really appreciate the support in trying to build a national (possibly international) conversation.


Sorry... needed to rant.